
Matt Kean – NSW Member for Hornsby

From the desk of Matt Kean: Bushfire Season

Matt Kean MP – I am receiving a lot of correspondence from local residents concerned about the current government’s proposed radical planning changes.

After years of promises, Labor have spent their first year in power achieving nothing in housing. Now they are proposing a series of desperate zoning changes across every Liberal seat. Communities should not be punished based on where the live.

More concerning is the government’s position on New Line Road. The previous government approved a funded upgrade to New Line Road between Hastings Road and Purchase Road, taking the road from single lanes to dual carriageway. $70 million dollars was allocated across several budgets however, the new NSW government reallocated these funds.

Indefinitely postponing the issue of addressing New Line Road is unacceptable. This road is constantly choked with traffic snarls now and with the government’s proposal to significantly increase residential numbers in and around the area this will simply bring New Line Road to a complete stand still.

Labor cannot pump more housing into an area where they are cancelling major infrastructure projects required now, for the existing population. That equation simply does not work.


Contact Matt Kean MP
[email protected]
(02) 9476 3411

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