dural club

Kenthurst Rotary Club

ANZAC Day once again was a magnificent affair in Kenthurst. It was tremendous to see more than 1000 in the park and so many people taking part in the march. We had all theatres of war represented as they marched to the music of the Macquarie Memorial Pipe Band.

We were honoured to have two guest speakers this year, Wing Commander Brent Vujcich from RAAF Richmond Airbase and Lieutenant Colonel Ben Watson. A huge thank you to everyone else that contributed to the day. To those who donated, thank you, all money raised will be sent to Legacy.

The Mega Bargain Sale has been rescheduled for Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd May in the Kenthurst Uniting Church Hall, on the corner of Kenthurst Road and Jones Road. This is the Federal Election weekend, so why not place your vote at Kenthurst Public School and then wander across the road to the sale. There will be lots of tools, plants and gardening equipment, books, records and much more. There will also be a sausage sizzle and tea, coffee and scones to purchase. So don’t miss out on your chance of a great bargain.

The playground renovation in John Benyon Rotary Park has been held up by the bad weather we have been experiencing, but we have now opened a section for the children and hope to complete the project in the near future. For those that keep asking about the “cubby house”, it was taken away for repair but after great consideration, the Men’s Shed decided to make a brand-new version which is still under construction and will be bigger and better than the previous one.

We have reached the target for the GoFundMe Page for the Park Equipment. We had an incredible response and the fund which is now sitting at $14,500 as well as $800 paid directly into the account outside this funding page. A huge thank you to the generous supporters. A grant for Phase 3 of the Play Equipment has been submitted for further equipment from the Hill Shire Grant budget.

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