
Kenthurst Probus Winter News

Colder weather has obliged Kenthurst Combined Probus Club to forsake the chilly Kenthurst Uniting Church and meet in the adjoining, warmer tea room! In spite of the slightly reduced area, members still enjoyed their usual monthly meeting in August.

At this meeting, long time Kenthurst resident Gaynor Williams made a presentation detailing the design and construction of the Church building, largely the result of local residents who were determined to set up a convenient place of worship – a great result for a community organization.

After our usual generous morning tea, the Club was addressed by Glenhaven resident David Short on the work of the Royal Flying Doctor Service and its history: founded largely as a result of the work of Presbyterian Minister the Reverend John Flynn. Members were treated to a plethora of the achievements of the Service, its aircraft, personnel, buildings and equipment: a massive undertaking providing valued services for the people of the Outback.

Kenthurst Probus News: Warmer Venue for August Meeting

Kenthurst Probus continues in the Probus tradition of Fun and Friendship in retirement. We have planned a bus tour of the Mudgee region in September, theatre parties have been organized and every month Club members join in a walking excursion in the local area (weather permitting) usually followed by a coffee or brunch break.

Meetings are held at 9.30 am on the third Monday of every month (except December) in the Uniting Church building, guests are always welcome. Those interested can contact Membership Officer Burt Stuut on 0424 247 003, or just turn up on the day. So far as Club records show: no visitor has ever been refused entry.