
Jane Seaglove – Hornsby Councillor

Jane Seaglove, I am truly humbled and consider it a great privilege to be elected to represent A ward in Hornsby Shire.

As a long-term resident of Dural, I am keen to keep the residents of the rural area up to date with current issues.

Mayor Warren Waddell and the full Council team have now been sworn in. The first Council meeting took place on the 23rd October and it was immediately down to business.

A unanimous vote to address graffiti as a Shire wide problem went through. Investigations will now begin into how this problem may be addressed more broadly, especially as it relates to non-Council assets.

Coming into Summer, the bushfire threat will increase. Especially in the rural areas of the Shire where our bushland is most prevalent. At the same Council meeting I ensured my involvement in our Bushfire Management and Liaison Committees. My election to these committees will assist in keeping across this very real threat to our highly valued bush encumbered area.

Looking forward, I was pleased to learn that progress on the Galston Village Public Domain plan has occurred. With most investigations complete, it won’t be long now before the groundbreaking stages will commence. This project will go a long way to addressing concerns around safety and traffic management. With the added benefit of creating a functional and attractive village centre.

We are also looking forward to the Glenorie Village community engagement process commencing. I will be encouraging all members of the community to put forward their views as we play our role in the enhancement of Glenorie Village.

I look forward the term ahead. I am happy to be contacted on any issue on [email protected]