
Jack Gow Memorial Park’s New Playground is Underway

Artistic depiction of the upcoming upgrade for the jack gow memorial park © hawkesbury city council

The Hawkesbury City Council has said that works to install the highly-anticipated brand-new playground at Jack Gow Memorial Park in McGraths Hill are now underway.

The upcoming new playground located between Andrew Thompson Drive and Scarvell Avenue was designed following community consultation to ensure the space meets the current and ongoing needs of the community.

142 people completed the community survey, 124 of which said they reside in McGraths Hill (87%), while 122 people indicated they often or sometimes use the park (86%). Residents living outside McGraths Hill mostly only go to use the play equipment.

Most people responded they use the park to:

  • play on the equipment (130 people)
  • kick a ball about/play cricket or other sport (36 people)
  • hangout (22)
  • picnic (21)
  • other (8)

According to the Summary of Community Feedback – Jack Gow Memorial Park, the Council received a significant number of responses that the play equipment should be bright and rainbow to engage children. Green, blue, and yellow were the most suggested, followed by red.

“It was suggested that the equipment for the younger children be bright and vibrant and more earthy for the older children,” the Summary reported.

“The most preferred type of swing option is the traditional swing set, with opportunities for infants, at least two standard swings and a wheelchair accessible swing.”

The call for feedback opened on the 29th August 2023 and closed on the 22nd September last year.

The 0.11 ha reserve will have a climbing tower with slides, seated and nest swings, ground-level trampoline, see-saw, spinner, and play cubby/charging station – which will front a new riding/walking path.

There will also be a picnic table, benches and seating options, bins and landscaping. Shade sails will also be
installed, covering the play and seating spaces.

Construction is targeted to be completed on 20 December 2024, weather permitting.