
James Wallace – Hornsby MP

James Wallace and SES commander

I would like to give a huge shout out to our wonderful Hornsby SES volunteers.

In response to the recent electrical storms and powerful winds, Hornsby SES received over 400 requests for assistance. Supported by local RFS brigades, SES teams were operational day and night, in difficult conditions, as they worked through tasks as quickly as possible.

Their main priorities were to ensure the safety of the public, restore power and essential services, and provide support to vulnerable community members, especially the elderly.

Throughout this period the ongoing collaboration between SES, RFS and NSW Police was crucial. Hornsby SES also worked closely with Ausgrid to ensure jobs affecting homes without power were processed as a priority.

To date we have experienced a relatively mild and wet summer. However, I would like to remind everyone not to be complacent as dangerous bushfires can occur at any time.

We all should continue to take precautions and ensure we have prepared our properties and have plans in place in the event of a dangerous bushfire.

I would like to take this opportunity to also thank all our local Rural Fire Service volunteers for their significant commitment to keeping us safe all year round.

Finally, it is my pleasure to let you know that applications for the 2025 Hornsby Community Building Partnership (CBP) Grant Program are open.

CBP Grants are available to incorporated not-for-profit bodies, such as local sporting groups, social and environmental groups and school P&C’s, for community infrastructure projects that deliver positive social, environmental and recreational outcomes.

The deadline for applications COB, 21st February 2025. Please let my office know if you submit an application or if you have any questions.

I look forward to serving you as the Member for Hornsby. If you think I can help, please feel free to contact me at my office at any time.