
Hornsby Mayoral Candidates

Hornsby Mayoral Candidates for the election on September 14th are Warren Waddell, Nathan Tilbury, Roger Woodward, Clr Tania Salitra and Janelle Mcintosh.

Warren Waddell
Liberal Candidate for Hornsby Shire Mayor and Hornsby Council Ward A

As a fifth-generation resident of Hornsby and a proud second-term Shire Councillor, I have a deep-rooted connection to our community.

Growing up in Galston, attending Macquarie University, and managing my family’s historic orchard have all shaped my commitment to our Shire.

I have owned and operated small businesses in Hornsby Shire for most of my working life, including the ongoing management of my family’s historical orchard in Galston.

I have a keen understanding of the diversity of both the people and the landscape within Hornsby Shire. Especially when new Australians began making their way into our rural areas to create a new beginning.

I celebrate our urban corridor and the accommodation that it provides to our residents. I equally celebrate the peri-urban area of the Shire and the accommodation and occupations that it provides.

My experience with local organizations such as the Hornsby Kuring Gai Women’s Shelter and Habitat for Humanity has reinforced my dedication to creating a safe and thriving environment for everyone in Hornsby.

I am guided by core Liberal principles and a fair go for all.

Nathan Tilbury
For Mayor and A Ward Councillor

For over a decade Nathan Tilbury has served the Hornsby community with integrity and distinction. The results he has achieved and delivered for the community has demonstrated that when you listen, work hard and dedicate yourself to getting it right, everyone benefits.

”It’s the community and not vested interests, that should dictate our shire’s future. From the footpath in front of your house to major infrastructure projects like Hornsby Park or to the natural environment that makes our Bushland Shire so special, the community has a right to demand their interests are Council’s first priority,” Mr Tilbury said.

Born and raised in Hornsby, Nathan brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the job. His first order of business will be putting the people of Hornsby first and ensuring the community’s interest is the driving force of local government.

”Hornsby Shire is the best place in the country to live and to raise a family. The ratepayers deserve access to the best facilities and amenities Council can provide. As Mayor I will ensure we build a shire every resident can be proud of,” Mr Tilbury said.

Joined by Kate Friend and Kristie Chambers as A ward councillors, his full A Ward team are passionate about local government. It’s about the street you live in, it’s about the local parks, playgrounds and community centres.

Ultimately it’s about you and the community you live in.

This election, put local government first and vote 1 Nathan Tilbury.

Janelle Mcintosh
Labor Candidate for Hornsby Shire Mayor

I am running to be your next Mayor of our beautiful Shire – to provide the change we all need to deliver the best for all our residents.

I am passionate about community involvement – and about delivering the best solutions for all.

I’ve worked collaboratively throughout my three terms on Council to deliver a range of initiatives in the areas of sustainability, affordable housing, heritage, infrastructure planning including playgrounds and public domain works, support for local businesses, the arts and cultural groups along with actions to support seniors and people with a disability.

My key priorities for the future are what you’ve told me is needed for our area – balancing sustainable, well-located development with the need for housing choice and affordability for families; protecting our environment and providing services and facilities for our whole community. You’ve told me you want precious community spaces protected and a Council that responds to community needs.

Our new Council will be a chance to re-focus Council where it should be: on our community. I was born and raised here in Hornsby Shire and I’m delighted to be raising my own family here. Alongside this I’m an active participant and volunteer in community and school organisations.

Hornsby Council needs Councillors with the experience to listen and act for our community. I have a track record of delivering meaningful solutions to the challenges we face and I need your vote on September 14th to deliver the change that Hornsby needs.

Clr Tania Salitra
Hornsby shire Council Mayoral and Ward C Greens Candidate

My despair at over-development throughout Sydney led me to run for council; where I’ve had the privilege to stand with residents fighting to save their much-loved park at Galston from becoming an industrial estate, and voted against further sub-division of the rural lands. Your three Greens are the only councillors to vote no to over-development, this term.

With my record of listening and acting, I have also stood up for river residents to achieve fairer parking conditions and supported residents facing disastrous developments next door.

My achievements on council include Hornsby’s first multicultural festival, affordable housing dedicated to council in perpetuity, increased affordable housing targets, moving towards banning gas, fairer car parking for residents and our first native orchard for wildlife carers to harvest food. Over the term, I’ve pushed for many improvements, including more sustainable building design, diversity in council committees, and protection for wildlife from cats and development.

There is still so much to do: protecting our waterways and bushland, defending rural and agricultural land from developers, increasing affordable housing, youth facilities for teens, more footpaths and cycleways, beautifying town centres, art and culture facilities, and celebrating our diversity with inclusive events.

Hornsby, you deserve strong leadership with an agile mindset and courage to stand up to property developers; leadership with critical and innovative thinking to resolve key issues, and a bold vision for a brighter future for everyone.

Vote 1 Greens on 14th September.
Please contact me on: 0435 434 233 or [email protected]

Roger Woodward
Independent Mayoral candidate for Hornsby Shire

My occupation is professional, and I am a volunteer firefighter. Other experience includes: Royal commission into the reconstruction of Hornsby hospital; Performance audit by the New South Wales auditor general of income and expenditure by Hornsby Council; and an independent inquiry into allegations of dumping within Ward A of Hornsby Council.