
Hawkesbury River: The Jewel of The Hills

HILLS COUNCIL NEWS UPDATE, Happening Up North Clr Mitchell Blue, NSW Government, Hills Shire Plan, Lower Portland Ferry traffic management, Local News Update

Clr Mitchell Blue, The Hills Shire Council

The Hawkesbury River is a jewel in the crown here in The Hills.

So, it is important that we continue to ensure the river quality is at its best. Many of the creeks and tributaries here in The Hills flow into the Hawkesbury so what you do at your home, may have an impact further down the river. It is one of my priorities to implement regular water quality testing of our creeks and tributaries.

It has been great to talk to river users, whether they be commercial fishers or boating groups. These groups are a great source of knowledge and information.

With that in mind, I am glad to see the progression of the Hawkesbury Nepean River System Coastal Management Program. In August 2018, Council entered a Memorandum of Understanding with the Hawkesbury Nepean River System Coastal Management Program and has partnered with five other councils to deliver this.

The HNCMP is currently at stage 3 of 5, which is to prepare, exhibit, finalise, certify and adopt. This stage requires Community consultation. The HNCMP is in the community consultation period, where a long list of actions are publicised for comment, as well as being open to suggestions from the community.

This is done over 10 weeks and concludes 24/11/2024. There is an online map based portal that is open to the public to gather feedback. I encourage those interested to have a look. More information can be found on Council’s Have Your Say website.

As Christmas is just around the corner, I take this opportunity to with you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please spare a thought for those doing it tough this Christmas and for those working on Christmas Day to protect us. As always,

If I can be of any assistance, please let me know. Councillor Mitchell Blue 0400 449 324 [email protected]