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Kenthurst Probus Club

                   L-R: Our guest speakers Jo Shipley and Denny Pierson from Group Homes

Our members and guests met on Monday 21st October to hear an address from Jo Shipley and Denny Pearson from Group Homes speak on the topic of Dementia, an affliction that happens to many of us in the Community.

Prior to our guest speakers, President Rosalie Challoner was pleased to induct Trish Shipley into Club membership.

The Club’s next meeting will be at 9:30 am on Monday 18th November at our regular venue, the Uniting Church building on the corner of Jones Road and Kenthurst Road, for some fellowship and a short address by long time Club Member Jean Churchward on her experiences as an international airline hostess.

Visitors are always welcome, and for more information, contact our Club Membership Director Burt Stuut on 9652 1239 or 0424 247 003.

ABC Seamless