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Good News is Here

For some people an early reindeer sighting can induce Christmas-related panic attacks…
Apart from one house I know that leaves their lights up all year, the first Christmas decorations I noticed this season went up in October!

Marketing experts call it ‘season creep’ where events like Christmas ‘creep’ earlier each year. I did get a shock on Boxing Day last year when my supermarket had hot cross buns on sale. (naturally I bought some…I’m only human).

December 25th is the day we mark Jesus’ birth, when God himself come into the world. Why did God feel the need to come into the world at all? Jesus himself provides the answer. And in doing so he draws a close connection between Christmas trees and hot cross buns: “…God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” (John 3:17)

It’s hard for many people like us to admit we need anything. As we have everything under control (more or less), our tendency is to believe that God can be safely ignored. According to Jesus, our selfconfidence is dangerously misleading – it’s an illusion really.

Through his miraculous birth, perfect life, sin-bearing death and life-giving resurrection, Jesus demonstrates his readiness to forgive.

This well-known carol captures the good news… Hark! The herald angels sing, Glory to the newborn King, Peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled.

I hope to see you at St Judes over the holidays. Happy Christmas!

Dougal Michie, Senior Minister – Dural Anglican Church See www.duralanglican.org.au for a full list of Christmas services.

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