Bluetongue Landscapes & Concreting

Glenhaven RFB Update

Glenhaven RFB Update, After spending a few weeks assisting our neighbouring suburbs with storm and flood cleanup, training has resumed and the brigade has recently participated in a 77 hectare hazard reduction at Kenthurst; providing crews for both our Cat 1 and Cat 9 appliances.

During the floods, the Castle Hill Showground was used as a refuge for livestock. We often talk about the importance of having a Bush Fire Survival Plan, and if you have horses or other large animals on your property, it is important that they are included in your plan.

Last minute decisions can lead to horses being let loose on the road, putting the horses in significant danger and creating a hazard for vehicles and emergency services.

If your property is well prepared and you are prepared, your horse will have a better chance of surviving a bush fire (or flood) event.

Discuss your plan with your neighbours and other horse owners in your area. You might make an arrangement with friends who have horses to look after each other’s animals if there is an emergency and one of you is away.

Everyone that lives, works or agists on your property should be aware of your plan and understand when to put it into action.

For more information on creating a plan, visit the RFS website and follow the Glenhaven Rural Fire Brigade Facebook page.

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Glenhaven RFB Update

Glenhaven RFB, Glenhaven RFB

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