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Girl Power at Hills Grammar

Choosing to Challenge was the theme for this year’s International Women’s Day and remains a prominent notion for Hills Grammar as they announced the launch of their new program ‘Girls of Hills’.

The program will connect female students via a junior-senior mentoring program.

A key goal is student empowerment, with the girls being actively challenged and encouraged to realise their leadership potential and strengths, alongside their mentors.

In conjunction with the launch of ‘Girls of the Hills’ School Captain, Renae Muscat and Head of Junior School, Mrs Sarah Black sat down for a heart-to-heart interview about what their prospects are for the program.

Mrs Black shares that “Our senior girls will be matched and formally mentor their Years 3 and 4 partners.” These partnerships between the Senior School students and the Junior School will be carefully considered, based on similar life experiences, as well as interests and aspirations.

Mrs Black hopes that these partnerships will assist the students in identifying their unique strengths and skills in a co-educational environment. She adds the program will “help them understand ‘what is the meaning’ to being a girl at Hills Grammar, rather than a girl perhaps in a single sex school.”

Mrs Sarah Black is a Hills Grammar alumna from the Class of 1989 and understands first-hand the importance of experiencing a co-education alongside other strong female leaders.

“It’s a really powerful message, and something as girls from Hills Grammar, we really need to embrace.”

The girls will come together for an inspiring and energising Development Day in the coming weeks.

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