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Galston Girl Guide offered a position on Girl Guides Youth Advisory Committee

Mellica has been an active member of Galston Girl Guides for 3 and 1/2 years. Girl Guides is a place for girls to learn important life skills to help them in their future, to build self-confidence and develop their voice so their viewpoints are heard.

Mellica was recently interviewed for a position on the Girl Guides Youth Advisory Committee and was successful in this process and subsequently offered a position within the ‘events and programming group. She helps plan events for Guides to participate in across NSW, ACT and NT.

The Youth Advisory Committee is about giving the youth a voice in the running, managing, and planning of Girl Guides events across these states and territories and helps girls interested in leadership roles to develop their skills at an early age and to positively impact the world.

As a member of the Youth Advisory Committee, Mellica attended a training camp. where she learnt about marketing, networking, communicating, finding her voice and bringing the problems and possible solutions to the attention of the group.

She greatly encourages more girls to join this girl led organisation and experience everything guiding has to offer. Girl Guides is a place for girls to build confidence and empower them to help shape a more inclusive world.

If you would like your daughter to experience an out of school club for girls (aged 7-13), please contact [email protected]

Galston Girl Guide

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