
Dural Scout Receives Bear Award

An important part of Scouting is learning new skills and earning the associated badges. However, while this is important, the Scout Promise and Law, which we all undertake to live by, emphasises corner-stone qualities that are critical in becoming a valued member of society. 

These include being respectful, friendly, considerate, and caring for others. The Bear Award is for someone who has these personal qualities and represents the spirit of Scouting.

Kristina Taylor is this year’s recipient of The Bear Award. Over the last 12 months Kristina’s not only earned her Australian Scout Award, but she has also moved from Scouts to Venturers and is well on her way to earning her Queen’s Scout Award.

Along the way she has demonstrated the values of Scouting and shown leadership in a variety of ways. Demonstrating personal growth and a commitment to community service she has continued with her role as Assistant Hall Trustee, organizing and running working bees and continuing to learn many new skills. 

Kristina has challenged herself across her outdoor activity skills, has completed her adventurous journey, taken a leadership role at last year’s District camp, and has continued to take on leadership roles in running activities at both Venturer level and assisting the Scouts.

She’s shown her passions through her Special Interest Area badgework in learning barista skills, being involved in Juniors at Galston Rural Fire Brigade and improving her canoeing and cycling skills. Well- done Kristina and best wishes for another successful year ahead.

Dural Scout Group has vacancies now for Girls and Boys from 5 to 25 years. Joeys (5yo), Cubs (8yo), Scouts (12yo) and Venturers (16yo). 

Please contact Phirooza  0411 731 976  [email protected]  or Simon: [email protected]