These days the CWA are talking about joint problems of a different sort – a push for cannabis change in Australia.

Nearly 20 years in the making, the first inklings of the motion to advocate for the placement of prescribed cannabis medication on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme was originally raised back in the early 2000s. In its 100th year, the Country Women’s Association of NSW will campaign for the reform after success advocating for medicinal cannabis legalisation in 2016.

Lobbying government has always been a major part of the CWA’s mission and we continue to adapt to the issues of the day. While some might know the CWA for its crafts and cooking, in fact, its members are at the forefront of creating change in the country.

cannabis change in Australia

People don’t necessarily think of the CWA as an advocacy organisation, but we are non-party political and that’s one of the reasons why we’re trying to change the ‘tea and scones’ image,” says former State President Annette Turner.

As well as its legendary catering, the CWA has quietly taken on many social causes over the decades. The aims set down by the women who started the organisation in 1922 are as relevant now as they were then, with the group’s pragmatic and persistent style of lobbying helping to achieve a lot in surprising areas.

There are presently over 20 current issues encompassing health, environment, transport, communication, and more being advocated or lobbied by the CWA, motions for which were raised by individual members at local branch level and eventually passed by vote at state level.

If you are interested in being a part of the largest women’s organisation in Australia, please come along to CWA Galston’s next meeting on Wednesday 11th May.

For more details about meetings or fundraising please contact Jann 0439 222 217 or Pam 02 9653 1036. [email protected]