dural club

Contributing to Our Community

Northholm Grammar is dedicated to developing graduates who are charitable, generous and selfless citizens, inspired to contribute and lead in their community. For Northholm, ‘community’ means both the family, friends and peers within our immediate sphere as well as the greater community in the Hills and Hornsby Shires to virtual network of like-minded people around the world.

Leadership opportunities for students at every level contributes to the development of skills and attributes needed to lead lives as responsible and compassion citizens. The Prefect Body, Primary Years Captains, House Captains and Student Representative Council all have different, complimentary responsibilities with the same overall task of supporting each other and contributing to the School’s success.

Northholm students are also encouraged to get involved in their greater community through a range of activities. The School is incredibly proud of the initiative students have taken to help others, from engaging with the service portion of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Program, the Winter Sleepout and vision impaired students in lndia. Northholm students have represented their School and community in important civic occasions and development programs, including ANZAC Day services, Lions Youth of the Year Quest and Max Potential.

Our recent Northholm Grammar Masquerade Charity Dinner held on Saturday 17th September at the Dural Country Club is a prime example of an event supported by students, parents, staff and members of the local community, competently led by Sienna Arena-Milne and the Year 11 students. Sienna raised a total of $37,983 for Camp Quality. Congratulations, Sienna, on this outstanding achievement.

As graduates go out into the world beyond Northholm, with a desire to make a difference, it’s rewarding to welcome them back to share their experiences, what they have learnt and achieved. It’s part of ‘The Northholm Way’ – building citizens of good character successfully contributing to a thriving society
