
Combined Probus Club of Kenthurst

Kenthurst Probus held its monthly meeting on the 17th of June: due to the cold weather, members and guests met in the morning tea room adjoining the body of the Uniting Church on the corner of Jones Road and Kenthurst Road.

Notwithstanding the inclement conditions the Club welcomed seven guests to the meeting, to hear an address by historian Ian Small.

Ian’s topic was the Kurrajong recruitment drive in the State’s North West during the First World War: as a result of which over a hundred young men volunteered to join up, and thereafter went on to serve in the trenches in France. Ian has written a book on the phenomenon: his enthusiastic talk was very well received.

The Club members were pleased to welcome their guests to experience a Probus meeting, which as always, included a refreshing cup of morning tea, before hearing from the Club’s guest Speaker.

Anyone wishing to participate or observe the Kenthurst Probus experience at first hand is welcome to attend: details are always available from the Club membership director Burt Stuut on 9652 1239 or 0424 247 003.