
Domestic Violence and the Law in NSW – Legal Options for You

Thurlow Fisher Lawyers

Domestic violence is extremely prevalent in Australia, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 14 men have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner since the age of 15. 23% of women and 14% of men have experienced emotional abuse by a current or previous partner (see Australian Institute of Health and Welfare). […]

How to Safely Light A Fire This Winter In A Fireplace or Wood Heater

How to Safely Light A Fire in a Fireplace or Wood Heater

Getting Started A home fire can be one of the highlights of winter. Keeping warm by a fire can be a comforting and cozy experience. Getting the fire started can be the biggest challenge. We suggest that you get some handy tools and materials to help make it easier every time. Tools and Materials: Firelighters […]

Why Hitting The Property Market in Winter Could Prove to be The Right Move

Why Hitting The Property Market in Winter

Savvy home sellers should look to list their property ahead of what is anticipated to be a busier-than-usual spring market. Kate Lumby from Lumby Real Estate said there are many advantages to listing in winter due to continued property price growth and strong buyer demand. “There tends to be a glut of property coming onto […]

Taylor Tree Recycling

Taylor Tree Recycling

As part of our commitment to sustainable industry, we turn all tree waste into kindling, firewood, or valuable timber products. Three generations of Taylor Firewood work together recycling tree logs from local tree loppers that would have otherwise gone to landfill. Instead, they are being repurposed to keep you warm this winter. Taylor Tree recycling […]

The Safest Way to Clear Ear Wax: Why Micro Suction Beats DIY Remedies

The Safest Way to Clear Ear Wax

AN ARTICLE FROM THE TEAM AT EAR STUDIO Ear wax, also known as cerumen, is as a natural protector against dust, dirt, and bacteria. However, when it builds up excessively, it can lead to discomfort and even affect our ability to hear properly. While many turn to DIY methods to remove ear wax, they can […]

Renovate in Winter to Sell in Spring

Renovate in Winter best time to Sell in Spring

PROPERTY & YOU – BY PAUL MCKENZIE, ABS CONVEYANCING It is usually the norm for people in Australia to renovate their residential properties during winter, to sell during Spring time, traditionally the best time to sell. When renovating for selling, only do the basics and keep to a budget. Paint the walls in conservative colours. […]

Premier Shades: Your Premier Window Furnishings Destination

Premier Shades: Your Premier Window Furnishings Destination

In the heart of Hornsby, a new beacon of style and functionality has emerged with the arrival of Premier Shades’ latest showroom. Located at 18 Salisbury Rd, right next to JBA Carpet Court, Premier Shades brings over 30 years of expertise in blinds, awnings, shutters and curtains, to the Ku-ring-gai, Hornsby & Hills Shire regions. […]

Fitters and Storemen … We Need You!

Job Vacancies Available At Aussie Pumps

Local company Aussie Pumps has moved into its newly refurbished facility in Norwest as part of their expansion plan. The drive now is to increase production efficiency to meet demand for Aussie-built, high-quality pumps and pressure cleaners. To support this growth, Aussie Pumps is also embarking on a significant recruitment drive for fitters and warehouse staff. We’re […]

Shine Bright Equine Human Services is an Equine Assisted Therapy Centre Situated in Picturesque Arcadia, Just 35 Minutes Northwest of Sydney.

The centre is owned and operated by Anne-Katrin Liebe, a highly experienced and qualified International Equestrian Level 2 Coach and Sports Scientist. Shine Bright Equine Human Services offers private and group equine assisted therapy programs in a calm, fun, supportive and encouraging environment. Anne- Katrin works with clients of all ages and various needs, with […]

Same Familiar Faces New Brand

Manor Real Estate: Same Familiar Faces New Brand

Manor Real Estate recently acquired its first acreage office through a merger. Our journey began in 2016 in the Hills District of north-west Sydney, and now, eight years later, we’ve expanded into acreage property sales. Recognising the connection between Hills residents moving to acreage properties and those downsizing to the Hills residential region, we merged […]