
Hidden In The Hills – Ferals and Invasives

Hidden In The Hills - Feral Animals

By Lachlan Turner Hills district residents may be surprised to know that there are a considerable number of feral animals roaming unchecked throughout the region. Residents may also be surprised at the number of invasive garden escapee plant species that are colonising our bushland and adjacent areas. Most feral and invasive pests are the direct […]

Hidden In The Hills: Old Man Banksia

Hidden In The Hills: Old Man Banksia

This month we take a look at the Old Man Banksia (Banksia serrata), which grows throughout open woodland forests of the Hills region.  Old Man Banksia of “Snugglepot and Cuddlepie” fame is featured in the May Gibbs’ childrens book. This Banksia has a long flowering period of between December and June.  Some of the more […]

Bigger Better Bushfires

Bigger Better Bushfires

I can’t bear the thought of clearing it to make what they call an “asset protection zone” around my house and around other assets that I value. What will happen to the small birds, wallabies, possums, echidnas, goannas, water dragons etc. who provide us with much entertainment? But lately other news has been intruding into […]

Hidden In The Hills: Scribbly Gum

Hidden In The Hills: Scribbly Gum

BY LACHLAN TURNER The name “Scribbly Gum” can refer to a number of eucalypts. The main owner of the name Scribbly Gum (Eucalyptus haemastoma) is possibly the best known example in our Hills District bushland. This tree generally is not very tall with a number of short trunks growing from a single root system similar […]

Hidden In The Hills: Terrestrial Orchids

Hidden In The Hills: Orchid Plants

There are many ground hugging orchid plants that flower in early autumn, lasting through to late spring. The flower of the Trim Greenhood Orchid (Pterostylis concinna) stands about 250mm above the grass. It is often found in quite large colonies in open woodland growing amongst shorter sedges and grasses, in dappled sunlight.   The Red […]

Winter Bushwalking Season Kicks Off

Winter Bushwalking Season Kicks Off

With the winter season now underway, Hornsby Shire Council has unveiled its upcoming schedule of free guided bushwalks, which are aimed at providing a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience for residents. This bushwalking program certainly has something on offer for all, with a wide range of events planned, some targeted at beginners looking to take […]

Construct a new walking track in Pennant Hills Park

Construct a new walking track

YOUR SAY  | Council is planning to construct a new walking track in Pennant Hills Park as part of the Pennant Hills Park Masterplan works. Currently, there are existing walking tracks and fire trails in this area including the well-known Mambarra Track. Combining a formalised 800m long track between the existing Mambarra Track and the Archery Range will:  Create new […]

Galston Gorge Community Update July 2022

Galston Road

Rehabilitating Slopes Transport for NSW | July 2022 Unprecedented ongoing rainfall this year has led to eight slippage sites along Galston Road between Hornsby Heights and Galston. In May 2022, we advised that Galston Road will be reclosing to complete further remediation works at slippage site 3. These works are scheduled to be carried out […]

Hidden in the Hills – Angophora Hispida


By Lachlan Turner Commonly named “Dwarf Apple” because of the tree’s relatively small size when compared with other larger varieties in the Angophora genus. Usually not much larger than 5m high and around 3m wide in the Hills Region, this tree characteristically assumes a somewhat gnarled and twisted growth habit with rough bark. During late […]

Mountain Devil

Mountain Devil

By Lachlan Turner Sometimes referred to as “Honey Flower”, the Mountain Devil (Lambertia Formosa), gained its more common name from the shape of the seed pod which is said to resemble the head of a “devil”. This common name gained popularity due to the seed pod being incorporated into a tourist souveneir in the form […]