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Showcase of the Hills District’s Finest Gardens

Hills Garden Competition

The Sydney Hills Garden Competition is on again in 2022. Steeped in history and intricately linked to the Hills Shire, the first competition ran in 1959 as the brainchild of Councillor Eric Mobbs. It became the forerunner of the Orange Blossom Festival, so has a significant place in the cultural history of “The Garden Shire”. […]

Construct a new walking track in Pennant Hills Park

Construct a new walking track

YOUR SAY  | Council is planning to construct a new walking track in Pennant Hills Park as part of the Pennant Hills Park Masterplan works. Currently, there are existing walking tracks and fire trails in this area including the well-known Mambarra Track. Combining a formalised 800m long track between the existing Mambarra Track and the Archery Range will:  Create new […]

Discovering the Bromeliad Billbergia


The Bromeliad Society of Australia’s next meeting will be held on Saturday, 9th July in the Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground off Showground Road, Castle Hill. Sales to members, guest and the general public from 10am with the meeting commencing at 12 noon. Ian Hook, President, BSA will discuss the many varieties of the Billbergia […]

Bromeliad Society of Australia

Bromeliad Society of Australia

The next meeting of the Bromeliad Society of Australia will be on Saturday, 11th June at the Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground, Showground Road, Castle Hill off Doran Drive. Bromeliad sales at 10am and the meeting commencing at 12noon. Our special guests will be Greg and Narelle Aizlewood, growers and hybridizers of many wonderful plants. […]

Langlands Landscape Supplies: Firewood Time


It seems Winter has begun and the rain is staying around. With cold nights and cooler days – it’s certainly fire time. We have our Vintage Premium Hardwood Firewood here in stock. Split, dry and ready for pickup and delivery. It’s the best in the area – so our customers say. The hardwood is aged […]

Hidden in the Hills: Spectacular Wildflowers


By Lachlan Turner Apart from the many tones of green and Wildflowers that can be characteristically seen throughout the bushland environment, there are other striking colours that can attract the attention of the bushwalker. Some of these colours are bright and showy, whilst others may be more subtle and less noticeable. To fully appreciate the […]

Spectacular Wildflowers


Apart from the many tones of green that can be characteristically seen throughout the bushland environment, there are other striking colours that can attract the attention of the bushwalker. Some of these colours are bright and showy, whilst others may be more subtle and less noticeable. To fully appreciate the extensive variety in the range […]

Bromeliad Autumn Show

Bromeliad Autumn Show

SAT 14 AND SUN 15 MAY AT CASTLE HILL SHOWGROUND After 2 years of postponements due to lockdowns and COVIDSAFE restrictions the Bromeliad Society of Australia is excited to announce that their Autumn Show will go ahead with some COVIDSAFE restrictions in place. The Bromeliad Autumn Show will be held at the Federation Pavilion, Castle […]

Gardening is a Great Antidote to Stress!

Hills Shire Garden Club

The Hills Shire Garden Club is proud to introduce Mrs Joan Hoyle who was the recipient of the Anne Williams Clarke Medallion from Garden Clubs Australia for outstanding service to Hills Shire Garden Club. The Award started in 1998 and was originally a single national award. In 2011, a review of the Award decided any […]

Click and Collect Your Free Plants

Free Plants

Hills residents can now pre-order their four free plants per year online from The Hills Shire Council’s Bidjiwong Community Nursery. The plans are able to be picked up contact-free at the nursery entrance at the allocated time. To secure your plants, please visit Council’s website Council’s Bidjiwong Community Nursery does incredible work for the […]