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Car Observation Run and Wine Tasting Evening


What a great day! We were lucky the weather stayed fine and we weren’t hopping in and out of the cars in the rain. There were seven cars in the Observation Run. We travelled down roads and lanes most of us haven’t seen before, which was an eye opener. We had to collect information on notice boards, such as names of companies or house names, also there were a few very tricky ones to work out and Brian Read’s navigators excelled themselves and won the day.

We all stopped halfway through the trial at the Glenorie RSL Club for a delicious morning tea of coffee, scones with jam and cream. There were a lot of laughs and stories bandied around some true and some we are not sure about.

When all the cars had finished the trial, we went to the Galston Club for lunch. All the drivers got through without killing their navigators, though it did come close in one car. Kerrie and Judy were in the winning car and had their photo taken wearing their trophies. Several boxes of chocolates were given out as extra prizes.

A lot of fun was had by all. Those who didn’t come don’t know what they missed but hopefully we will have a greater turn out if we have it again. Thank you Barry Willick for all your organisation and a job well done.