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Berowra Fauna Fair

Friends of Berowra Valley, a community group committed to conservation and advocacy for our local environment, will be running the Berowra Fauna Fair. Bigger and better than ever and with the support of Hornsby Shire Council we will be celebrating all of the marvellous wildlife with whom we share our bushland home.

On Sunday the 12th March from 10am to 4pm, at the Berowra Community Centre we will commence with a Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony by Uncle Laurie. The centre will be a hub of fauna based activity including native animals, information from wildlife rescue, local plants for sale, a workshop on building a bee hotel and a BBQ run by Apex. From 2pm to 4pm Australian Wildlife Displays will be bring a live Ringtail possum, Tawny Frogmouth, Blue-tongue Lizard, Green Tree Frog, Diamond Python, Lace Monitor and a Long-necked Turtle. There will be insect displays and displays from Birdlife Australia.

Throughout the event there will be continuous 30-minute talks by experts on bats, birds, frogs, fungi, marine animals, platypus, koalas and more. There will be plenty of opportunity to share experiences and ask questions, or just to sit back and learn something new.

The greater Hornsby area is a native animal hot spot and home to some of Australia’s most iconic animals such as the echidna, and threatened species such as the platypus and koala. Learning about these animals is a great step towards making sure they are still here for future generations to enjoy.

The Berowra Fauna Fair is a celebration of our native wildlife, but importantly is also an opportunity to make new partnerships with people who care for our native plants, animals and the ecosystems that support them. With support from a Hornsby Shire Council’s Event Grant and participation by the Frog and Tadpole Study Group of NSW, the Cattai-Hills Environment Network, the Australian Plants Society and Sydney Wildlife Rescue, Friends of Berowra Valley invites everyone to come and enjoy the fun and learn how to protect our beautiful environment.

Keep an eye on https://www.friendsberowravalley.org.au/2023-berowra-fauna-fair to see the schedule of talks and the full list of events on the day.

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