
Beecroft Village Green: Community Building Partnership Grant Awarded for Exercise Stations


Wonderful news! Our Hornsby Council has been advised that its Community Building Partnership grant application, to install two further exercise stations as part of the Beecroft Village Green Park Renewal works, has been successfully awarded $40,000.

The Beecroft Village Masterplan included four exercise stations, but funding for the Village Green only extended to allow two stations. Following a request from members of the Humans of Beecroft and Cheltenham community, I approached the Council to seek further funding to enable two more exercise stations to be constructed during the time frame allowed to complete the Village Green.

The application was submitted last October but the wait was worth it, and the funding announcement is timely. The installation of the two new exercise stations will enable all works to be fully completed at the Beecroft Village Green. The exercise stations will be four sided and will be similar to the exercise station near Cherrybrook Oval. The four exercise stations are located as sets of two, one set near the Beecroft Tennis Courts and the other set edges the northern section of the Village Green path.

To see the Beecroft Village Masterplan go to lg=1&slide=0 If you have any concerns or issues where I may assist, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]