
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea

By Mark Coupar

Friday 24th May was Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea and one of our chamber members Delhi Heights Indian Restaurant held a morning tea to raise money and awareness of cancer in our society.

1 in 2 Australians are diagnosed with cancer before the age of 85 and we want to see this change and hence these fundraisers are so important.

A number of speakers spoke about impact on family with loved ones dealing with cancer and everyone spoke about the amazing help of the Cancer Council in their journey.

Dignitaries included Hornsby Shire Council Mayor, The Hon. Philip Ruddock, The Hills Shire Mayor Dr Peter Gangemi and councillors Sallianne and Sreeni Pillamarri.

Representatives from Commonwealth Home loans, Usana Australia Sydney Community, Digiware, Cubby House Child Care centres and A-Grade Education and training.

Over 25 local businesses and community leaders on the morning joined together at Delhi Heights Indian Restaurant at Dural put on a fantastic array of fine Indian cuisine Sony, Paul, and Rishu from the management team together with help from sponsors raised over $1000 for cancer research on the morning.
