
Arcadian Quilting News

At our recent July meeting a newly completed quilt was on display. Here I realised was a ‘gem’ … a quilt full of meaning, a quilt made by a friend, for a friend.

This is exactly what we are all about sometimes, giving some quiet joy to someone else and in this case a specific quilt for a man.

This chap’s love of cars has been captured perfectly (from artwork) and recreated with great imagination into something tangible, warm and lasting.

With a cold wet Wednesday persisting outside we ladies enjoyed companionship, lots of laughter and a delicious morning tea all within the warmth of the CWA Hall.

Another new member joined us today too; we do seem blessed with lovely friendly women finding their way to our ‘open door’ ….. thank you for joining us and wel-come !!! For the specifics of where-we-will-be … (as we wait to return to our home ven-ue) and what we are up to each month please contact Carole on 9894 7749.

Meetings will continue at the CWA Hall, opposite the Fire Shed on Annongrove Road, Dural. We meet on the 1st, 3rd and the 5th Wednesdays of each month at 9.30am.

Please, share a thought for families really ‘doing-it-tough’ at the moment during these cold, wet, difficult days … maybe YOUR offer of help could make a difference to someone ‘who needs a hand’??

Dural Prestige Smash Repairs