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Arcadian Quilting

Arcadian Quilting

Romans dedicated the month of May to FLORA the Goddess of Flowers.

Hence the popular phrase “the Merry Month of May” – a northern hemisphere time to celebrate the beginning of summer and all things floral, including Mothers’ Day on the 2nd Sunday in May.

During May we held our version of The Biggest Morning Tea, at the Community Health Centre and our donations will be combined with the Galston Chemist shop’s Biggest Morning Tea.

We are also looking forward to the next visit from the Assistance Dogs Australia team.

We have eight completed quilts which we will give… on one ‘condition’ and that will be… that the lovely Bella, their Ambassador dog comes to see us too!

These are some of the Children’s quilts (seen left) which we make for the young people who have an Assistance Dog as part of the support in their lives.

We are very proud and happy to be a small part of this wonderful ‘team’.

We meet on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays of each month at 9.30am. Our venue is the Community Health Centre, The Glade, Galston.

Please call Carole on 9894 7749 for any further information

Scott and Sons