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Arcadian Quilters News

Arcadian Quilters News-Autumn is such a lovely time of year isn’t it? As the heat of summer fades away our gardens seem to visibly relax.

Cooler afternoons can send us indoors, possibly looking into drawers and cupboards …. and look at what this quilter found, what a gem: (it’s now finished and ready for a grandchild’s bed), I wish that had been found in my cupboard !!

Quilting comes into it’s own during these cooler months: a large quilt resting on knees and toes while sewing is one of the joys of winter!!!

This superb “basket quilt” is being finished by one of our members — on behalf of another quilter who has moved into the Autumn years of her life and now needs a little help from a friend !!

There really is “ a Season for all Things” as nature always shows us.

A planned workshop-day on the 24th of April being held at our home venue will see the completion of several Charity Quilts which we began during the difficult months of last year.

Sewing machines, threads, fabrics and fun will be shared on this day and there is always room for a new friend. Call in and say “hello” …. see what we do, new members are always welcome.

For further details please call Carole on 9894 7749. We meet on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays of each month at 9.30am at the Community Health Centre, The Glade, Galston.

Enjoy these Seasons as they come, stay safe, stay well.

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Arcadian Quilters

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