
Arcadian Quilters- part5

Arcadian Quilters Arcadian Quilters Arcadian Quilters Arcadian Quilters

Some weeks ago in one of our articles, I was able to describe how (we) the quilting group was able to offer help to people living down south in the small country town of Camargo.

Readers will remember reports of the devastation of many small towns during the bush fires late last year.

This is all that remains of a 150-year-old home shown in the photo above.

Losing this history in such a small town must shake residents to the very core of their existence.

Here in the suburbs, we can easily “forget” that the restoration work still goes on and on …

Arcadian QuiltersBlaze said Grey Nomads and local backpackers are groups that ‘lend-a-hand’ when the spotlight moves to other news of other days.

I’m proud and glad our contributions are down there too, adding to the support now that winter is here.

Today I had the pleasure of speaking to a lady who lives in Cabargo and is heading up a “Craft Bank” formed by the community for the community.

This marvellous idea has become a life-saver for so many.

Through the support of a local patchwork group (that coordinates the many gifted items) local craft groups, artists, knitters, sewing circles, weavers; the list goes on in this creative community now have access to items of value for their chosen activity and are able to “start again” with a small business: with a support charity run by locals-for locals: small shops can start again: even the local Primary School is benefiting too in getting their veggie patch up and growing again (and how proud the children are of this achievement)

The amazingly generous idea of this Craft Bank offering locals items to support themselves or to just start again without cost or question is to be admired and supported !!!!

Arcadian Quilters received a wonderful letter of thanks for our donation of 21 quilts, families saying “oh give to someone else first, were OK” … gosh country folk, aren’t they amazing people???

Many many items given by individuals found their way to Cabargo through our contact and I feel sure we will be able to fill more car boots as this year progresses ….. I can see A GOOD CHRISTMAS coming for at least one small town “down south of NSW”.

For further information about our group and just ‘what we do’ as a group please contact Carole on 9894 7749.

Our meetings are on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays of each month at 9.30 am at the Community Health Centre, The Glade, Galston.