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$300 Million Rouse Hill Hospital

Playspace  Rouse Hill Hospital
Ray Williams MP


The new site for the $300 million Rouse Hill Hospital is the north-eastern side of Windsor Road near Commercial Road, ensuring ideal transport and road links for Western Sydney’s growing population.

The final site has better access and allows for more land use opportunities compared with the previously announced site, and has huge advantage for patients and the thousands of staff and carers to have good connectivity to the Rouse Hill Town Centre and a Sydney Metro station.

The site acquisition process is underway and construction will start prior to March 2023.


The Castle Hill electorate will be better protected during natural disasters, after the announcement of $6.2 million to upgrade 31 Emergency Operations Centres (EOCs) including ours at 1A Angus Road, Kenthurst. EOCs provide communication and coordination of operations and support during an emergency. The funding by Resilience NSW will allow key ICT, audio-visual and utilities upgrades, to enhance the operational capability of EOCs.


Castle Hill will receive $200,000 from the NSW Government Safer Roads Program to construct a new refuge island at 580 Old Northern Road, Dural (near the BP Service Station). Crossing Old Northern Road at this location has been a matter of concern for many residents catching bus services into Castle Hill and this new island will ensure residents can cross safely.

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