
Bruce Fraser Field Back in Action After Vandalism

Bruce Fraser Field

Bruce Fraser Field at Holland Road Reserve is back in action after a vandalism incident last week. Council crews went into high gear to repair the field, rolling out the wheel ruts and applying a top dressing to cover the damage. This means that local sports can resume on the field this weekend, weather permitting. […]

Platypus Research at St. Albans Field Day

Platypus Research at St. Albans Field Day

By Tim Pallister Our group met at the Pickled Wombat on Bulga Rd, after crossing the truss steel bridge over the Macdonald River. We sat down for a community workshop on the need for a wildlife survey in the Macdonald River valley. Our first speaker, Dr. Michelle Ryan from Western Sydney University, spoke of her […]

Hidden In The Hills – Eastern Water Dragon

Eastern Water Dragon

By Lachlan Turner Beneath bushland and tree ferns along watercourses can be found creatures that thrive in the wet conditions. On exposed rocks or logs near water, it is possible to see an Eastern Water Dragon (Physignathus lesueurii), soaking up the warmth of the sunshine. Their strong and sharp claws allow them to climb rockfaces […]