
Why Is Hearing In Noise So Difficult?

Hearing screening

When we gather with friends and family around the dinner table, at a BBQ or at the local pub for a meal and a catch-up. In those situations, many people experience they have difficulties following the conversation as everything seems to get ‘muddled up’. Why is this and what can be done? If one struggles […]

Bushfire Readiness Events

Bushfire Readiness Events

On 26 November 2023, Julian Leeser MP will be hosting bushfire readiness events in Dural and Asquith. The Asquith event will be held at Asquith Boys High School from 2 pm-4 pm. It’s estimated that between 60-75% of the Berowra electorate has never experienced a significant bushfire event and may be completely unprepared. The event will […]