dural club

Construct a new walking track in Pennant Hills Park

Construct a new walking track

YOUR SAY  | Council is planning to construct a new walking track in Pennant Hills Park as part of the Pennant Hills Park Masterplan works. Currently, there are existing walking tracks and fire trails in this area including the well-known Mambarra Track. Combining a formalised 800m long track between the existing Mambarra Track and the Archery Range will:  Create new […]

Galston Gorge Community Update July 2022

Galston Road

Rehabilitating Slopes Transport for NSW | July 2022 Unprecedented ongoing rainfall this year has led to eight slippage sites along Galston Road between Hornsby Heights and Galston. In May 2022, we advised that Galston Road will be reclosing to complete further remediation works at slippage site 3. These works are scheduled to be carried out […]