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Balmoral homes

Probus Ponderings – ‘New Year’ Nostalgia


Recently The Combined Probus Club of Cherrybrook celebrated a milestone of the year with the Changeover Lunch. ‘Captain’ Terry Carter, a cruising tragic, was brought onboard and is now at the helm of the Club ably supported by his crew of 9, with a plan for a year of smooth sailing. (No more nautical puns!) […]

National Emergency and Long Service Medals

national emergency

Earlier this month a number of members from Dural received the national emergency medal alongside members from Arcadia, Cherrybrook, Galston and Westleigh. Six members also received the long service medal, four of which were for ten years of service and two for twenty years of service. The national emergency medal was awarded to members for […]

stone cottage-News From History Cottage

stone cottage

How pleasing to see our community returning to activities that bring us together!  The Society, with the generosity of the Uniting Church, has been able to resume the monthly meetings in safety. Our April speaker, Mrs June Byrne of Rowland Village,  spoke of her research on George Adolphus Thomas; known to locals only as “the […]

Westside Vibe is Back With an Exotic Flavour

Westside Vibe

Following a two-year hiatus, Hornsby’s popular Westside Vibe makes a welcome return on Friday 6 May. Be transported to exotic destinations as the popular laneway festival takes you on a sensory journey filled with the taste, atmosphere and sounds of colourful destinations. Vibrant lanterns, garlands and reeds will transform the area around Hornsby’s Dural Lane […]