
Council Awards Over $150k To 16 Deserving Community Groups

The unwavering dedication of local community groups has been supported by more than $150,000 in funding from The Hills Shire Council’s Annual Community Grants Program.

The funding will be dispersed among 16 deserving organisations who successfully applied for grants of up to $15,000.

Mayor of The Hills Shire Dr Peter Gangemi said Council was proud to assist the organisations that uphold the character of The Hills Shire.

“It is very important to Council to provide significant support to our community groups who do so much to assist and enhance our Shire,” Mayor Gangemi said.

“The community groups receiving this round of funding provide services for our CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse) residents, our neurodivergent families and people of all abilities. We also have groups who foster musical talent, organise wonderful events for our community and provide information to our rural residents.

“I’m extremely proud that Council is able to support each of these community groups in continuing their work to make The Hills a better place.”

Kenthurst Rotary Club will use their allocated funding to run their annual Christmas Carols event at John Benyon Rotary Park, which will include entertainment and gifts from Santa for the children.

President of Kenthurst Rotary Club Chris Gaskin thanked Council for supporting their event.

“Kenthurst Rotary would like to acknowledge the Hills Shire Council for their support of the Carols in the Park at John Benyon Rotary Park on Saturday, 9 December,” Mr Gaskin said.

“Without the backing of the Council and our local sponsors, it would not be possible to hold this much-loved event each year. We hope to see you there.”

The Annual Community Grants Program focuses on delivering grants for community services in four main priority areas:

  • Events, concerts, theatre, and arts programs designed to engage key community members that entertain the broader community.
  • Domestic violence prevention and recovery.
  • Mental health and suicide prevention.
  • Disability, youth, seniors, and cultural projects that support community participation opportunities.
Mayor of The Hills Shire Dr Peter Gangemi and President of Kenthurst Rotary Club Chris Gaskin at John Benyon Rotary Park.

The community groups that will receive funding from the 2023/24 Annual Community Grants Program include:

 Kenthurst Rotary Club – $8,486.30 for hosting their annual Christmas carols event for the local community.

 Hills Shire Symphony Orchestra – $7,500 for hosting four concerts and purchasing a trailer for transporting percussion equipment.

 Hills Community Aid – $8,793 for hosting their Family Fun Day program which involves three school holiday events in 2024.

 Council of Indian Australians – $10,000 for hosting their Deepavali Fair to celebrate India’s largest festival Deepavali (festival of lights).

 Sydney Hills Youth Orchestra – $7,500 for hosting their Youth Program which consists of 40 rehearsals and two public concerts at the end of each semester as well as a Young Musicians' Contest and a concert during Orange Blossom Festival.

 AASHA Australian Foundation – $5,000 for supporting senior residents from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds who find it challenging to be involved in the community due to language barriers, cultural differences, health issues and transport difficulties.

 Harman Foundation – $10,000 for facilitating their Happiness & Success – Supporting Your Mental Health Project, which includes mental health workshops, fashion shows and a book launch.

 Glenhaven Carols – $15,000 for hosting the Glenhaven Carols by Candlelight event at Glenhaven Oval.

 Mind Connections Foundation – $12,500 for hosting their Pawsitive Steps event, which raises awareness about mental health, provides mental health education and promotes early intervention in a non-stigmatising environment using dogs and exercise.

 Diamond Women – $10,000 for facilitating comprehensive antenatal and perinatal training for new and expecting mothers facing mental health challenges.

 India Club – $12,500 for facilitating a forum with guest speakers that cover a variety of topics for people from diverse and multicultural communities to improve understanding of each other’s cultures.

 RDA Tall Timbers Centre – $10,000 for providing support for people of all abilities to participate in equine programs to develop and enhance their skills.

 Fit Kidz Foundation – $15,000 for hosting their ‘Stronger Together’ Conference to support local parents and/or carers of people with disabilities or neurodivergent needs in June 2024.

 Eastbend Rural Communications – $7,500 for printing the Living Heritage community magazine, which is distributed to residents living in the suburbs of Maroota, South Maroota, Cattai, Sackville North, Glenorie, Dural and Wisemans Ferry.

 Dural Music Society – $5,000 for purchasing three modern moving head profile spots which will enhance the lighting rig and improve performances and community experiences.

 Positive Vibes Foundation – $5,624 for facilitating a forum for primary school-aged children to support their mental health and increase their knowledge and understanding of where and how they can obtain the help they need.

The applications for 2023/2024 were assessed under Council’s Community Grants Program Guidelines within the Community Grants Policy by the Community Grants Assessment Panel.

For more information about Council’s Annual Community Grants Program, visit and search for ‘Apply for a grant.’

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