
Kenthurst Combined Probus News

Kenthurst Combined Probus Club held its monthly meeting on 18 November in the Kenthurst Uniting Church. This time we had as our speaker past president Jean Churchward, pictured.

Jean is leaving the Club to live in Tasmania, and her address not only covered her Probus experience, but she reflected on a rather unusual lifetime.

She was widowed when her first husband died, leaving her with three young children. She then met and married her second husband, who was widowed also, and had five children. Jean and her new husband went on to have two more children, raising a family of ten – which they did successfully!

Our Club has no regular meeting in December, but our members will get together in a Christmas Lunch at the Trevi Restaurant in Norwest.

Planning is underway for 2025: Town Hall concerts, the Premier’s Concert and a ballet performance are all on the cards. In January meetings will resume on the third Monday of each month at the now traditional place in the Uniting Church. Guests are always welcome.     

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