
Councillor Janelle McIntosh Elected Deputy Mayor of Hornsby Shire at First Council Meeting of the New Term

Councillor Janelle McIntosh

Hornsby Shire Council held its first general meeting of the 2024 to 2028 council term on 23 October, with the Mayor and Councillors taking their Oath or Affirmation of Office and Councillor Janelle McIntosh elected as Hornsby Shire’s new Deputy Mayor for a 12-month term. This completes the formation of the elected representatives of Hornsby Shire Council.

Councillor McIntosh has served in three previous Council terms and is passionate about creating an inclusive and accessible Shire, protecting the natural environment and heritage, and delivering community facilities, affordable housing and vibrant and accessible town centres.

Yesterday’s meeting was preceded by a Smoking Ceremony by Uncle Neil Evers and a Welcome to Country by Aunty Ros Fogg, recognising the significance of the Shire’s rich Indigenous history.

The new Council is made up of Nathan Tilbury, Jane Seaglove and Olivia Simons for Ward A, Janelle McIntosh, Sallianne McClelland and Monika Ball for Ward B, and Dr Verity Greenwood, Ben McSweeney and Matthew Conley for Ward C.

“I am incredibly proud to have taken my oath today alongside my fellow Councillors. Together, we are committed to working for the benefit of the entire community,” said Mayor Waddell.

“I look forward to collaborating with this talented team to achieve meaningful outcomes that will enhance the lives of everyone in our Shire. I am particularly happy to have nominated Councillor McIntosh as Deputy Mayor and look forward to working closely with her.”

During the meeting, Council determined the Councillor representation on five important external committees and working parties for the following year. The Councillors determined are as follows:

  1. Mayor Waddell and Councillor McSweeney – Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Bush Fire Management Committee
  2. Mayor Waddell – Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Rural Fire Service Liaison Committee
  3. Councillor Greenwood – Hornsby Shire Local Traffic Committee
  4. Councillor McIntosh – NSW Public Libraries Association
  5. Councillor McIntosh and Councillor Greenwood – Hornsby Shire Dementia Alliance

The June 2024 Performance Report was received at the meeting, showing progress of the 2023-2026 Delivery Program including the 2023/24 Operational Plan and Budget. The report demonstrates how Council has once again delivered the highest possible level of service for our community.

Highlights include the adoption of the Hornsby Town Centre Master Plan, the completion of Galston Aquatic and Leisure Centre upgrades, the endorsement of the Galston Village Public Domain Plan, and the completion of 66 capital projects. These include 605 metres of local roads rehabilitated, 870 metres of new or reconstructed kerb and guttering, 961 metres of bushwalking tracks, boardwalks and bridges constructed or upgraded, and numerous upgraded playgrounds and sporting facilities.

Also at last night’s meeting, Council:

  • On receiving a Mayoral Minute, resolved to prepare a report outlining options for a Shire wide graffiti strategy
  • Adopted for public exhibition the revised draft Community Engagement Strategy
  • Received and noted, and referred for audit, the 2023/24 General Purpose Financial Reports
  • Appointed Councillor Tilbury (in addition to the Mayor) to the Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (NSRCO) Board, along with Councillor McIntosh and Councillor McClelland as alternative delegates to attend a meeting if the Mayor and/or Councillor Tilbury were unable to attend
  • Determined which nine Councillors will be voting delegates for voting on Motions at the 2024 LGNSW Annual Conference

The full agenda of the meeting, along with details of each item discussed, can be found at The video recording of the meeting will be available from Friday afternoon.

Hornsby Shire Mayor and Councillors
Hornsby Shire Mayor and Councillors
Councillor McIntosh at the Smoking Ceremony