
Faith, Community and Gratitude

What a lovely time of the year, the days can be soft, still with the warmth of the sun, while the evenings are changing towards the winter months….  AND we have just had the loveliest NEW MOON, which appeared on 9-10th of April.

It was an “Eid moon” marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan and the end of fasting. Eid al Fitr, is an Islamic holiday and marks the beginning of a festival that celebrates FAITH, COMMUNITY and GRATITUDE.  A very welcome ideology to share!

Visually, patchwork can be ‘linked’ to symbols. Certain motifs have a traceable history dating back generations, for example to the ‘American Civil War.’ Another popular motif coming from Scottish history is the ‘Celtic Cross’, marking their religious beliefs.  

A Handmade Quilt with a Story to Tell

The blue quilt pictured takes the form of SAMPLER QUILT, a great old favourite with patchwork groups and can be an opportunity to record history through creative handwork. 

Having special events and stories from around the world recorded in a quilt is a unique way of sharing within the COMMUNITY.  We can also experience a different FAITH, again recorded through handcraft … and we can always show our GRATITUDE for the life around us all … with our own welcome SMILE.

The Arcadian Quilters meet on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday of every month at 9.30am at the Community Health Centre, The Glade, Galston.

For further information please contact Carole on 9894 7749.

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